DE NISCO, Alessandro
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 882
NA - Nord America 751
AS - Asia 249
SA - Sud America 12
AF - Africa 10
Totale 1.904
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 741
IT - Italia 387
FI - Finlandia 273
SG - Singapore 139
DE - Germania 106
GB - Regno Unito 48
FR - Francia 18
TR - Turchia 18
CN - Cina 17
IN - India 14
AT - Austria 11
BR - Brasile 11
CA - Canada 10
MY - Malesia 10
BE - Belgio 9
ID - Indonesia 9
PH - Filippine 8
HK - Hong Kong 7
LT - Lituania 6
VN - Vietnam 6
IR - Iran 5
NL - Olanda 5
PK - Pakistan 5
TH - Thailandia 4
CH - Svizzera 3
DZ - Algeria 3
ES - Italia 3
IQ - Iraq 3
MA - Marocco 3
RS - Serbia 3
IE - Irlanda 2
KR - Corea 2
PL - Polonia 2
SI - Slovenia 2
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
CO - Colombia 1
EE - Estonia 1
EG - Egitto 1
GR - Grecia 1
HR - Croazia 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
NG - Nigeria 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SE - Svezia 1
TZ - Tanzania 1
Totale 1.904
Città #
Boardman 402
Helsinki 273
Singapore 130
Las Vegas 93
Ashburn 73
New York 70
Rome 62
Milan 49
Hanover 46
London 33
Chicago 29
Seattle 19
Dalmine 11
Eskişehir 11
Frankfurt am Main 11
Perugia 11
Bologna 10
Naples 9
Vienna 9
Caçador 8
Ottawa 8
Corridonia 7
Hong Kong 7
Tappahannock 7
Brussels 6
Kuala Lumpur 6
Campobasso 5
Jakarta 5
Montespertoli 5
Turin 5
Bangkok 4
Bengaluru 4
Bolzano 4
Casoria 4
Cologna Veneta 4
Hanoi 4
Karachi 4
Los Angeles 4
Manila 4
Paris 4
Pavia 4
Sarnthein 4
Sassari 4
Thrissur 4
Amsterdam 3
Beijing 3
Córdoba 3
Erode 3
Falkenstein 3
Frosinone 3
Istanbul 3
Leeds 3
Lonigo 3
Mashhad 3
Nineveh 3
Novi Sad 3
Pieve Emanuele 3
Shanghai 3
Trieste 3
Arezzo 2
Bari 2
Batam 2
Bonn 2
Braine-l'Alleud 2
Brescia 2
Cankaya 2
Clifton 2
Dallas 2
Florence 2
Freiberg 2
Gussago 2
Ingolstadt 2
Johor Bahru 2
Kaunas 2
Khouribga 2
Laplace 2
Latina 2
Legaspi Port 2
Ljubljana 2
Lonato 2
Marnate 2
Massieux 2
Munich 2
Paranaque City 2
Petaling Jaya 2
Pordenone 2
Rifiano 2
Salzburg 2
Santa Clara 2
Siena 2
Southwark 2
Toronto 2
Trecastelli 2
Vedano al Lambro 2
Venice 2
Viterbo 2
Volla 2
Wallenhorst 2
Youghal 2
Zurich 2
Totale 1.603
Nome #
Country stereotypes as mediators of the countervailing influences of consumer xenocentrism and animosity on purchase behaviors 67
Immagine e immaginario dell'Italia e del Made in Italy in alcuni mercati emergenti 57
Effects of country image on consumer willingness to pay more: A mediated-moderated analysis in high-end design furniture context. 45
Beauty in the eyes of the beholder: a meta-analytic review of the effect of design atmospherics on shopping outcomes 42
La rappresentazione dell'identità di marca attraverso i luoghi di acquisto: la brand experience e i flagship store 40
Impact of Salesforce Automation and social selling technologies on salesforce performance: A meta-analytic review. 39
Eccellenze del Made in Italy. Casi di Marketing di Medie Imprese Italiane 30
Country Image, Tourist Satisfaction, and Future Visit and Product Purchase Intentions: An Integrative Model 28
Does corporate sustainability impact SMEs competitiveness? A meta-analytic review. 26
Green innovation: a multidomain systematic review 25
Partners or Foes? Cross-Country Consumer Animosity, Ethnocentrism, and Nationalism in Times of International Crisis 25
From international travelling consumer to place ambassador: connecting place image to tourism satisfaction and post-visit intentions 24
Assessing the impact of stylistic responding in country and destination image research 24
Aufmerksamkeit Frau Merkel! Animosità economica, etnocentrismo ed effetto country-of-origin: uno studio sulla percezione della Germania in Italia durante la crisi dell'euro 24
Corporate social responsibility and SME performance: a meta-analysis 23
"We love culture, we eat culture". Effetto paese di origine, cultural heritage image e segmentazione internazionale nei mercati emergenti. 23
Rapporti con la distribuzione e strategia multibrand. Il caso Mataluni 22
From industry 4.0 to innovation ambidexterity to firm performance: A MASEM analysis 22
Quanto contano gli atmospherics? Una review meta-analitica 22
Partitioned country of origin effect on consumer behavior: a qualitative & meta-analytic review of the empirical evidence 22
Country of origin e buyer behavior: una meta-analisi dalla letteratura internazionale 21
Collaborative innovation types and performance of firms: insights on consumer innovation 21
Cultural heritage. The missing 'link' in the place marketing literature 'chain' 21
An Importance-Performance Analysis of Tourism Satisfaction at Destination Level: Evidence from Campania (Italy) 21
Tourism experience, country image and post-visit intentions: a study on international tourists in Italy 20
Between relaxing and adrenaline rush: toward a better understanding of adventure tourism motivations 20
Attitudini e comportamenti di acquisto nella provincia di Benevenro. I principali risultati della ricerca empirica 20
Country of origin effect and the Euro crisis: the influence of economic animosity on consumer ethnocentrism, country image perception and intention to buy foreign products. A study on Italian and Spanish consumers towards Germany 19
Beauty in Retailing: A meta-analytic review of the effect of design atmospherics on shopping outcomes 19
Country of Origin e Buyer Behavior. Una Meta-analisi dalla Letteratura Internazionale 19
Do digital technologies pay off? A meta-analytic review of the digital technologies/firm performance nexus 19
Guest editing of the special issue "The Great Beauty. The Role of Cultural Heritage in the Marketing Strategy of Italian Products, Brands and Places" 18
Consistenza e dinamiche della distribuzione al dettaglio nella provincia di Benevento 18
Corporate social responsibility and SME performance: a meta-analysis 18
Disclosing the cultural heritage dimension of the country image. A comparison between the lexical contents of the web communication from ten leading countries 18
The role of stakeholders in town centre management: guidelines for identification and analysis 18
Attractiveness of European Higher Education in Entrepreneurship: a Strategic Marketing Framework 18
The country of Origin effects in consumers' evaluation of a hybrid product 18
IMMAGINE PAESE. Il vantaggio competitivo di essere italiani 17
Community market e coopetition. Il caso Microgame - “People's Poker” 17
An Ugly Store in a Beautiful Place? Exploring the Effect of Urban Design and Store Interior on Consumers' Inferences and Store Patronage Intentions 17
The interplay among brand origin, country-of-design, and country-of manufacturing in the context of low-familiarity Italian fashion brands 17
Digital technologies and firm performance: A meta-analysis 16
ITALIA.INT. Competitività, percezioni e tutela del made in Italy sui mercati internazionali 16
Partitioned Country-of-Origin Effect on Consumer Behavior: A Meta-Analysis 16
L'evoluzione del sistema distributivo in Italia 15
The Influence of Urban Aesthetic Design on Consumers' Inferences of Store Atmosphere, Product Quality, Service Quality and Willingness to Buy 15
Made in or Designed in? Uno studio sperimentale sui prodotti “ibridi” nel settore fashion 15
Ambiente urbano, qualità del servizio e behavioral intentions. Uno studio esplorativo in un centro storico italiano 15
Tourism Behavior at Time of the Euro Crisis. Effect of Economic Animosity and Nationalism on Destination Image and Receptivity 14
Country-of-origin image and consumer brand evaluation: a meta-analytic review 14
The influence of consumer ethnocentrism, animosity and product country image perception on attitudes towards foreign products. A study on Italian consumers 13
L'influenza dello store-design e del tenant-mix sul comportamento del consumatore. Un modello di psicologia ambientale 13
La soddisfazione dei turisti e le attitudini post-visita 13
The role of cultural heritage in country image research. Proposal and testing of a cultural heritage image (CHEI) scale 13
Entertainment Orientation of Italian Shopping Centres: Antecedents and Performance 13
Understanding wine purchase and consumption behavior: a market segmentation proposal 13
La Patria della Cultura e delle Emozioni. Un'indagine empirica sull'immagine dell'Italia nei Paesi BRIC 13
Cultural heritage e immagine Paese. Una content analysis sulla comunicazione istituzionale di dieci nazioni 12
State of the art and evolution of partitioned country of origin research: A systematic literature review of empirical evidence 12
Shopping in downtown: The effect of urban environment on service quality perception and behavioural intentions 12
Tourism Satisfaction and Post-Visit Attitudes. Toward an Integrated Framework 12
Tourism satisfaction effect on general country image, destination image, and post-visit intentions 12
Il comportamento di acquisto e consumo del vino. Una proposta di segmentazione 12
The Attractiveness of European Higher Education in Entrepreneurship: a Strategic Marketing Framework 12
Urban design and tenant variety influences on consumers' emotions and approach behavior 12
Economic animosity, nationalism and country images: "Us VS. Others" in time of crisis. 12
Importance-Performance Analysis as a Tool for Evaluating Town Centre Management Effectiveness 12
Entrepreneurship Higher Education in Europe. State of the Art and Marketing Insights to Enhance the Attraction of Foreign Students 11
Turismo internazionale ed effetto “made in”. L'influenza dell'immagine Paese sulla soddisfazione turistica e le intenzioni post-visita 11
Immagine Paese e cultural heritage. Proposta e validazione di una scala di misura formativa della cultural heritage image (CHEI) 11
Il caso Benevento: l'audit strategico 11
The partitioned country of origin effect in consumers' evaluation of an Italian fashion product 11
L'orientamento al mercato delle medie imprese familiari 11
Leadership in the Globalization Era 11
Importance-Performance Analysis in Evaluating Tourist Satisfaction. The case of Campania 11
L'intrattenimento nei centri commerciali in Italia: un'indagine empirica 11
Franchising e comunicazione integrata di marketing. Il caso Carpisa 11
“Shopping in Centro Città”. Atmospherics, Stati Emotivi e Output di Consumo 11
URBANscape e competitività territoriale. Evidenze empiriche da alcune esperienze nazionali e internazionali 11
Tourism experience, country image and post-visit intentions: a study on international tourists in Italy 11
L'immagine turistica italiana attraverso la stampa online: una content e sentiment analysis in USA e UK 11
Understanding wine purchase and consumption behavior: a market segmentation proposal 10
Retail, entertainment e creazione di valore. Un'indagine sui centri commerciali in Italia 10
Le strategie di internazionalizzazione e i servizi reali. Indirizzi per la pianificazione del service portfolio 10
Il profilo comportamentale dei turisti e i segmenti emergenti 10
From ‘Made in' to ‘Product-Country Images' and ‘Place Branding': a journay through research time and space 10
Il documento di orientamento strategico (DOS) per lo sviluppo di una destinazione turistica: il caso Benevento 10
Exploring the relationship among economic animosity, nationalism, consumer ethnocentrism and product-country images in the context of the Euro crisis 10
This brand “sounds” Italian. Connecting partitioned country image with perceived brand origin: an experimental study on two Italian fashion brands in Sweden 10
The Internet-Based Marketing of Ecotourism: Are Ecotourists Really Getting What They Want? 10
L'Influenza degli “Atmospherics” sul Comportamento del Consumatore. Una Review Quantitativa 10
Using Importance-Performance Analysis in Evaluating Town Centre Management Effectiveness 10
L'Influenza dello Store Design e del Tenant-mix sul Comportamento del Consumatore. Un Modello di Psicologia Ambientale 10
Entertainment Orientation of Italian Shopping Centres: Antecedents and Performance 10
Entertaining the shopping centre. Management and Research Insights 10
L'intrattenimento nei Centri Commerciali. Un Modello per la Valutazione degli Antecedenti e delle Performance 10
Urban Revitalization and Town Centre Management: the role of Stakeholders 10
The Influence of Tourism Experience on Place-Image Perceptions and Post-Visit Attitudes towards the National Products 10
Totale 1.726
Categoria #
all - tutte 26.893
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 26.893

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2022/2023176 0 0 0 0 3 14 63 38 9 17 15 17
2023/20241.433 74 122 29 685 89 40 89 76 12 40 29 148
2024/2025316 78 41 25 33 79 60 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.925